Well, it's been a while since I've done a progress update. There are a few quilts that managed to get started and finished without getting on the list, but oh well. Progress has slowed down a bit lately, but things are still moving.
1. Minecraft floors. I finally started this one after having it on my list for quite a while. It's now over half way done with the quilting. I just ran out of thread. Like with #2 on the list, I don't know where I got the large spool of thread. I think it's Guterman silver, but I'll need to see if that matches and if I can get something larger than the tiny spools. I really thought I'd have plenty of thread.
2. Scrap quilt. I found some similar grey thread to finish this up, but it hasn't gotten back on the quilter yet.
4. Fabric from Christmas. I started an Irish chain with this fabric. I just (as in two minutes ago) pulled this out of the closet to finish. I think my plan had been to add a border around the edge. When I started thinking about the logistics though, I decided that it was good as is. It is plenty big enough for a throw quilt. So...on to the quilter it'll go!
7. Black scrap quilt. This needs pictures.
8. Winter quilt. Since the Irish chain top is finished, I realized this is the only one I have left for piecing! I don't think I've ever had a problem of "what to create next?", but we'll see if it happens.
Well, I'm pretty happy with nine items on this list. After some lists with 22 items it feels rather skimpy almost.