Let's talk about this Irish Chain quilt. I finished the top about five years ago and got it quilted about four years ago. I used it for two years without the binding. I finally got the binding put on last year and then finally, finally, got pictures of it this week. It has been used well during that time though as it is my basement blanket and I spend a lot of time in the basement.
It's been a while, but I think I used the scrappy Irish Chain pattern from Happy Quilting. As I was taking pictures I really enjoyed how different the images looked as I got farther and farther away, so I thought you'd enjoy them too...
For the quilting, I did a motif called Fancy Floral (180 Doodle Quilting Designs) in the white areas. The blue squares got up and down back and forths, the green squares got side to side back and forths, and the teal squares have a double loop.
The base fabric I got for Christmas many years ago and have since forgotten what it was called. I didn't quite have enough though, so I added in several solids and a few prints that matched well. The solids include navy, windsor, splash, enchanted, artichoke, olive, bonsai, and, of course, white. I worked on this during the 2020 lock down and ran out of white in the middle. It was a sad day as I had actually been making good progress and was brought to a halt because white Kona was on back order for all the on-line stores.