Friday, December 20, 2024

Quilting update: Dec 2024

The last few months were extra busy and I barely touched my sewing machine.  It felt rather odd, because for the last many years I usually do something quilt related at least six out of seven days.  Life is still busy, but the cause of the extra-busy has finished and I'm slowly getting back to normal.

Quilts I'm actively working on:

1. Surprise quilt.  It's all put together and needs to be quilted - it's up next

2. Black and pink.  A friend's grandma died, leaving behind a few unfinished quilts.  This quilt was all put together and just needs to be quilted and bound.

3. Stash Bee 2024.  I put this together, only to realize that I put it together incorrectly.  I also need to make another column of blocks to make the proportions work out a little bit better.

4. Fabric from Christmas.  The quilt finally got bound and just needs official pictures.

Quilts with no progress since last time:

5. Stash Bee 2023.  I chose dark greens and yellows as the colors, thinking deep forest with yellow flowers, but several people said they were reminded of Green Bay Packers instead.  I think for 2025 Stash Bee I'll ask for some of the same pattern in different colors.  Blue/orange?  Red/orange?  I have until May to decide.

6. baby quilt. I had started this for a baby of someone in my Mom's group, but I've only seen her a few times and I'm not going to finish it before the group disbands for summer.  I think I'll put it aside for the next baby.

7. Scrap quilt. Last time I wasn't expecting any progress in the next six months; that was correct.  It's still waiting.

8. Trying to fit in - left over triangles. I put this on the quilter and got some done, but then had to take it off.  It might be off for a bit yet, but hopefully not too long.  It's small, so easy to take on and off as needed.

9. Winter quilt.  Needs to be quilted

10. Temperature quilt.  I need to quilt this.  It's from 2017, so it's rather low on the priority list. 

11. Other grandma quilts: There are still quilts from my friend's grandma to be finished and/or quilted

12. Jan's quilts: A different friend found some quilt tops...I forget where.  They're on the older side, but just need to be quilted up

13. Duvet into quilt.  I gave my parents a new quilt, and so I took their duvet cover back.  (I made the duvet cover ten years ago.)  I'm planning on making it into a light quilt.  I need to separate the front and back and then quilt

Quilts I haven't started but don't want to forget

14. Nephew
15. Christen

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