Monday, September 30, 2013

September accomplishments, October goals

I wasn't very close in finishing up any goals this month.  I was busy playing Minecraft.  But here's how the month went:
1. Finish the One-up quilt.  I got a lot of quilting done, but still have several rows to finish.

2. Finish the Charmed baby quilt. The flimsy is done and I purchased the backing.

3. Send out the September Simply Solids Block.  Done!!  I really liked this block.

7. Aunt's throw.  I think I have all the pieces cut.  I haven't actually counted my lights/mediums/darks though, so I might be a little short.

10. Picture quilt (finish by Christmas).  The fabric has been purchased and I'm working on the pictures
14. Surprise mini (Christmas) I have the flimsy done but can't show any pictures. :(
17. Christen's T-shirt quilt Almost all the T-shirts have been cut out

So for October my main goals look very similar.  I feel as though I should add a few more things that I really want to finish, but I'm afraid that would put half the list in there.  I'm trying to keep top priorities focused.

1. Finish the One-up quilt.  This is my Lovely Year of Finishes goal. I'm finishing up the sky and have the ground to do too.

Other things I'd really like to try and finish...
2. Finish the Charmed baby quilt.
3. Send out the October and November Simply Solids Blocks

And the other things that are still on the list, hanging out:
4. make the wall hanging for office.
5. pretend to work on scrap quilt.
6. finish green coasters.
7. Aunt's throw. 
8. Pillow for family room.
9. Jeweled floors.
10. Picture quilt (finish by Christmas).
12. Lost piece (almost whole cloth quilt)
13. Baby girl daisy quilt
14. Surprise mini (Christmas)
15. Baby paper airplane quilt
16. Baby quilt - undecided pattern/greens
17. Christen's T-shirt quilt
18. Simply solids green quilt
19. Winter quilt
20. Orphan rocket block
21. Quilt table runner (ideally by Thanksgiving)
22. Quilt pony quilt (ideally by Christmas)
23. Quilt mint green baby quilt
24. Quilt nautical quilt

Friday, September 27, 2013


Fractured is finished and hung!  We have a green wall, and I wanted something that matched.  The black also matches the couch and TV.

The pattern is from Displacement Activity.  I used the following Kona solids - (starting the in center) black, dark grey, steel, medium grey, ash, egg shell, honeydew, tarragon, peridot, palm.

I did a radiating flame from the center with several different colors of thread.  A dark grey, light grey, and a few shades of green.  I had been thinking that something like this would be nice, but I when I saw it on Quilt Matters it solidified my decision.

The back is some fabric that I won from a giveaway.  It matched very well.

Linking to Whoop-whoop Friday and LAFF.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

WIP Wednesday

This week (and last week) I haven't been making much progress.  (Minecraft is the culprit.  I'm breeding bees and it's rather addictive.)

I have managed to finish my simply solids block though.  (Tutorial found here.)  This was a fun block to make, although I did have a hard time making it big enough.  I had to keep adding more squares.

I'm also quilting the 1-up quilt (based on this guide).  I was hoping to be almost done by now, but I'm not even half way. 

I might not be making much progress, but I'm still having fun! 

Linking up with WIP Wednesday.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Thread sorter

After lots of thinking and seeing a similar solution by Heidi at Red Letter Quilts, I finally have a thread sorter that I like.

I had several requirements...
1) I could put cones of thread anywhere as I wanted to keep like colors together
2) It was realativly cheap
3) I could hang it on the wall
4) I could store my bobbins with it

I went to Lowes and got one of the shelves that are white.  Then I had a nice background for the thread and didn't need to do anything to make it look nice.  I also found the longest (3.5") and skinniest nails that I could.  This way I could put my bobbins under the thread on the nails.

I separated the nails by 3" and attempted to put them at a 70º angle.  Who knew that protractor that I've been carrying around with me since high school would ever come in handy again?  I'll admit, some of the nails are a little off, but I think it still looks fine.   (Sorry about the's in a poorly lit corner.  I know that defeats the purpose a little bit, but in real life I can still see the beautiful colors pretty well.)

I still have several nails...I think that means I need more thread. :)